Friday, May 1, 2009

Drive by Exposure II

Exit stage left?


Unknown said...

My favorite so far. The yellow bike in the predominately monotone scene sets it off. You got the spacing and pose down solid. Even the tree trunk doesn't cross into the shadow on the right side...nice. "the exit" is great too since it helps bring balance to the frame by filling some of that negative space up there. Well done my friend. By the way the word verification to allow me to post this comment is "chold".

Bojh Parker said...

John, thank you for the positive feedback. It's especially pleasing to hear it from a fellow like yourself. I was wondering what you thought of the horizontal lines in the photograph: good or not so much? It kind of adds a little more character to the image but i'm not quite sure about it yet. Maybe I "chold" change it.

regular james said...

This shot is amazing. You're a badass. love the tree, love the bike, love the exit. PEACE...

Bojh Parker said...

Thanks James, keep checking back my friend.